NIBIRU 2012 A.D, is a supposed planet that is coming near the Earth. Upon it passing it will cause major events like Eruptions,a and Tsunami's. The ancient Samaritans have recorded it passing many years ago. It has been spotted and says it will be spotted before 2012, and looks like a red moon of some sorts. I have a video for your records. See link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-3RLx_4Y5Y&feature=rec-HM-fresh+div


Favorite Answer

There is no real hard core scientific evidence revealed to even the scientific community as to the existance of such an object. This idea is based on the theories of Sitchin. Since then other evidence has surfaced suggesting that this was a misinterpretation.

None of the projected times arrivals have happened, and those red star pictures were not what you think they were. They were pictures of the red moon, which occurs in Fall and is brighter some years than others. Something is affecting Neptune and Pluto but it is not clear what.

