Would You Give the Independant Wrestling Shows a Chance If You Could Watch Them?

A lot of people here at this forum watch WWE, TNA, ROH and then there are a few who watch Dragon Gate, CZW, Chikara and some lucha libre.

Not everybody had access to watch these shows but I was wondering if anybody has watched more independant stuff... like:

NWA Anarchy, Championship Wrestling Alliance, NWA Charlotte etc...

I think they are quite good and the entertainment value is quite high..

Q1. What Wrestling Promotions Do You Watch?

Q2. Would you give other promotions a chance if you have the option to watch them.. (which you can)

P.S. If you want to give all promotions a try and watch their programming then go to:

http://www.tvcram.com/forums/index.php - join for free to watch all the wrestling in the sports section...

LPSR! CM Parka2009-06-10T15:00:56Z

Favorite Answer

Q1: I've seen some stuff from IWC-MS, keep as upto date as possible with Chikara, PWG but moneys tight so i can't buy DVD's right now so its just the podcast and website results pages, ROH WWE and TNA. When i remember i find out results from wrestling shows here in the UK but i don't bother too often as they don't do shows near me.

Q2: Yeah all wrestling company's have there good points and I'm more than happy to give any of them a chance... CZW had a chance and i couldn't finish watching a match so that is the only company i wont watch.

Thanks for the link i will be giving that a go.

Miss Rated R;2009-06-10T14:52:32Z

Q1: Besides WWE, and TNA, Shimmer on youtube occasionally.
Q2: Maybe CZW because I heard theres some awesome stuff on there.


i watch NWA anarchy i actually live in georgia where on one of the local channels they show it at 3 o'clock on sundays, but have the time that channel messes up

Q1: roh,tna,wwe,noah,aaa,nwa anarchy when i can

Q2: i already do

Graduation Bear2009-06-10T14:50:29Z

Definitley. If wrestlings on tv ill watch it.

The Bear of China2009-06-10T14:57:21Z

1. i watch tna wwe and jcw
2. i would yea