Would You Give the Independant Wrestling Shows a Chance If You Could Watch Them?
A lot of people here at this forum watch WWE, TNA, ROH and then there are a few who watch Dragon Gate, CZW, Chikara and some lucha libre.
Not everybody had access to watch these shows but I was wondering if anybody has watched more independant stuff... like:
NWA Anarchy, Championship Wrestling Alliance, NWA Charlotte etc...
I think they are quite good and the entertainment value is quite high..
Q1. What Wrestling Promotions Do You Watch?
Q2. Would you give other promotions a chance if you have the option to watch them.. (which you can)
P.S. If you want to give all promotions a try and watch their programming then go to:
http://www.tvcram.com/forums/index.php - join for free to watch all the wrestling in the sports section...