Got egg all over your face?
After all these years, I am now finally able to watch "Frasier" at my leisure and laugh hysterically at Niles do "his thing" and freak out.
After all the years I spent studying Medicine, it is good to sit back and watch two "professionals" live their lives as intellectuals, trying to fit into the rest of society.
Of all the shows on television, that one spoke to me on a very deep level because I remember trying to learn how to roller skate and then attempt to learn how to ride a bike. I could not get into the saddle of a horse without a step stool, but my volley ball was fabulous; whereas Frasier and Niles were only good at squash.
Those two most clearly represented my life--outdoor allergies and all the weird stuff. After discovering I was not the only person who lived that way, it's been refreshing to sit back, laugh and reminisce.
Is there anything on television you watched, over and over, just because it reminded you of you?