What is a good reputable charity for rainforest preservation?

My boys have stumbled into learning about the rainforests these last couple of weeks.

They are running a lemonade stand this weekend and want to send the money they make to help save the rainforests.

I just want to make sure we send it to a reputable charity. Can someone direct me?



Favorite Answer

The site I have referenced is one I use, it checks out where the money goes for many charities and provides much information at the main site I typed in rainforest and this was the highest rated charity. I suggest you go to the site and look around for yourself the first link is the site in general the second is for OFI

From the site:

Orangutan Foundation International

Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) was set up in 1986 by Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas and her former doctoral student, Dr. Gary Shapiro. Based in Los Angeles, California, OFI has sister organizations in Indonesia and Lithuania. The mission of OFI is to support the conservation and understanding of the orangutan and its rain forest habitat while caring for ex-captive individuals as they make their way back to the forest. Furthermore, OFI promotes the dissemination of information about the orangutan and its plight in order to galvanize the public and policy-makers towards an appreciation of the ape's value and current dilemma so that it might be saved from extinction.


I don't know about the Rainforest per se, but Earthjustice is a good one.