How do I clean my rocks for my aquarium?

There's old fish food and some goldfish poop under and in between the rocks. Is there a way I can clean the rocks without changing the water?


Favorite Answer

Ashley, why not just lift the rocks out and scrub them under a tap. If there is mess in the gravel just use Syphon to suck it out.

ツ & ♥2009-06-14T18:13:04Z

I'm not sure how you have your rocks set up, but you might be able to use a siphon between the rocks. Then flip the rocks over or move them and siphon underneath the rocks to get everything cleaned.

If the rocks themselves need to be cleaned, I'd recommend buying a special brush only to be used for aquarium use (you can buy them for a few dollars at a pet store) and scrubbing them with that under hot water. Do not use any soap, as this can possibly kill the fish!

If you don't want to buy a brush, if the rocks are small enough, a clean toothbrush works well to clean them too. (:


get the rocks out and i would boil the rocks which gets all bacteria and algae off of them, or there is pipes which sucks everything out of the rocks.

hope this helps x