When I eat I don't seem to get full.?

Okay so every time I eat my stomach doesn't seem to fill up so I keep eating a lot but then i regret eating all that food. I really don't want to gain weight but it seems like I can't stop. I'm not fat or anything. Any tips on what's happening and what I should do?


If I wait about 20 minutes after i eat I end up not hungry anymore. And I don't have worms.


Also I'm trying to lose about 5 pounds.


Favorite Answer

On average, people eating reasonable portions of balanced meals get
hungry about every three to five hours. Check the balance of foods you
eat. Refined carbohydrates like white rice, baked goods and most
crackers or pretzels are processed by the body fairly quickly. That
means that blood sugars go up and back down rapidly, tending to leave
you hungry again within two hours. Whole-grain breads and cereals are
processed more slowly and may leave you satisfied longer.
Studies show that hunger is satisfied longer when a meal or snack
includes a small amount of protein. That doesn't have to mean meat.
Protein is also found in milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu and other soy
products, eggs, nuts, seeds and dried beans.
Also, vegetables and fruits are missing from many Americans' meals,
yet they provide bulk that can help satisfy hunger.
Have you let a low fat diet get too low in fat? Fat leaves the stomach
very slowly, so a small amount of fat in a meal keeps hunger
satisfied. If your goal is weight loss, excess hunger could be a sign
that you've cut your calories too low or that you are pushing to reach
a weight that is too low for you.
Finally, consider this: Are you actually physically hungry all the
time, or do you simply feel like eating? Eating when you're not hungry
can mean that eating has become a habit for coping with boredom,
procrastination or stress. If this is the case for you, the key is to
develop ways to handle these situations without food.
If you address all these possibilities and still feel hungry all the
time, talk with your physician. Constant hunger not related to any of
these factors could be due to medication or a medical problem that
needs attention.


dont eat till you get that full feeling, cos else you'll be eating uncontrollably lol

just eat your right portion sizes and most of the time you think that you're hungry you're actually thirsty....so try drinking some water or something

and maybe you should start snaking between meals you know like a piece of fruit, yoghurt, or muesli bar.....just to give you that needed energy till your next meal


Drink a glass of water, at least 8 oz 30 minutes before you eat.


omg im doin the exact same thing recently! i hate it and feel so guilty , so i know what you mean. it could be that you have worms? you should get tested. i know i dont so im thinking of trying to find some good appetite suppressants that will stop me being hungry when i really dont need the food in the first place.


It may be the types of food you eat: If you eat lots of sugary food then you will not be filled up for long so make sure you eat healthy.
If you do eat healthy and since you are not fat don't worry, it may even be in your mind.

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