my mom just passed away on the 2nd, does she know shes gone?

my mom passed away from many illnesses, im having a real hard time dealing with it. i just want to know if she knows shes gone. she did not want to die.


Favorite Answer

I understand your pain and confusion. I have outlived most of my family and many friends.
No one can tell you where she is or what she knows. But don't be surprised if she lets you know - in some way.
Please consider finding a bereavement support group. Check with the social service department of any hospital and the local hospice.

Also, feel free to email me if you like.


no one wants to die. the question you want answered is if your mother knows shes gone? well thats a good question. my mom is also passed on. going on 3 years now. along with 2 brothers . all within 3 years of each other. 2 within 3 months. i know how heart breaking it can be. myself. i would say she does know shes gone. i all depends on how you feel about the after life . im a firm believer that you are aware of what happened when you pass on. and you know that they are with you through all the good and bad. so yes to your question. they are with you in spirit. they are always with you. helping you in all aspects of your life . hope this helped your heart.


After death, the brain disintegrates; it can't know, comprehend, or remember anything.

All human emotions cease at death.

The dead are not aware of anything that tales place. They have absolutely no contact with the living.

Death is like a dreamless sleep---in fact, 54 times the Bible calls death a "sleep".
It is a great comfort to know that our deceased loved ones are "asleep", resting peacefully in Jesus.
The tunnel of "death", which we ourselves will someday pass through, is a quiet peaceful sleep.
Those who love God don't have to fear death. Beyond it lies an eternity of real, physical, fulfilling fulfilling life with God.....

You are still grieving, and this is a natural process that you must go through. Find someone to talk to, a pastor, counselor....someone with a sympathetic ear. Good luck to you.


I am sorry for your loss and i kow how you feel i allso have out-lived my faimaly "Dad,Mom,Brother, GrandParents and hunderds of friends and coworkers.
Your Mom know's that she is dead from the time she steped out of her body she knew.
The body is the only thing that sleeps but our Soul contines on in the after life, sometimes people report seeing a loved one after they had passed away or hearing their voices.
I heard my Dads voice many times right after he passed away i was driveing Tractor Trailers and sevral times i was falling asleep behind the wheel and my Dads voice would wake me up because he shouted my name very loudly so loud that my ears would ring.
I have seen my Mom and Brother in Dreams so beaware because she will try to let you know everything is ok.
I enjoy watching ghost hunters on the sifi channel every Wenday night from 7:00pm untill 11:00 pm, the show is very interesting and they prove life goes on after death.
Put your faith and trust in Jesus because he is the way to eternal life.


Yes dear she knows that she's in heaven. I truely believe the dead knows what the living is doing. So be strong, It's o:k if you want to talk out loud to her in your privacy. Or maybe even writing a letter.
I will pray an ask god to put his arm around your shoulders.
Peace N Light,

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