Did you have a DNA test to confirm your bio relationship?

If you are in a reunion did you have a DNA test to confirm that you were actually related? If not are you certain? To me resemblance or things you have in common would not be enough since that can happen with non related people as well. I think I would want a DNA test.

What got me thinking was a friend of mine in elementary school. We were born at the same hospital on the same day hours apart and in rooms next to each other. Our families didn't know each other. Our names were similar. If I had been adopted and had minimal information to go by in searching it could have easily been mixed up. We also looked similar.

Has anyone ever thought they had found their bio family only to find out it wasn't them?


For those of you who said no because of looks/mannerisms does it ever concern you that you could be wrong? Would you have done things differently if you hadn't looked like one another. This is mainly for those who didn't have some sort of confirmation from the agency or whatnot. I personally don't look like my mom. We aren't usually marked for mom/daughter but just friends. Blue eyes, blond hair, very pale skin vs. my dark hair, eyes and skin. Our likes are different and we don't share many similar interests/activities. I am forever having people come up to me confusing me with someone they know though.

Had I been adopted it would be something always in the back of my head if I didn't know for certain. I'm a worrier though so maybe its just me. Thanks for the answers so far!


Favorite Answer

Nope...no DNA test done. My search angel had a database that listed all the babies born on the day I gave birth in the city where I lived. There were 20 babies born..4 of those records had a certain symbol attached to it...meaning these children were issued amended birth certificates, of course meaning they were adopted. We did a process of elimination..as only one of these babies were born in the same hospital on that particular day mine was. My adult child already had her non-id..curiously my maiden name was not blacked out...only my first name. No other person with my last name gave birth at the same hospital at the same exact time, nor with the same weight of the baby either...We both figured we were a match!

Andraya - Snark's Sister2009-06-18T02:14:00Z

Nope. It took me 10 years to even ask for my ID info to confirm it. There was no reason. I am my mother's daughter, the resemblance is shocking. My daughter's photo is on my g-ma's wall and people constantly comment on how they have never seen that picture of my sister. Even my adad can't tell my sister and I apart on the phone. When you couple all the physical stuff with the fact that I was born in a VERY small town there was no way I had found the wrong person.


No need for DNA test. I first got pictures of my son and could see similarities right away. Then I got a copy of his Amended Birth Certificate. The medical details..my doctor's name, the hospital, time/date of birth, etc were all correct.

When I talked to my son, he sounded just like his natural father.

There were many other similarities, as well.

Jack Putter2009-06-18T09:56:21Z

Should I get DNA testing to confirm that the people who raised me are indeed my parents? I mean, I have the exact same information the adoptees here have...same looks, mannerisms, likes/dislikes, etc. But I've never had scientific confirmation that these people actually created me. Maybe everyone should get tested. Just to be sure.


Nope. And Im not trying to be snarky, but when you're adopted, you have an ability to match people up, or always come up right as to who is related to whom.

There was absolutely no denying who my f Mom was. Not only do we look the same, but the way we stand, walk, talk, laugh, use our hands- everything- is the same.

If there was a guessing game where you had to figure out who was related, and the contestants were non-adopted and adoptees, the adoptees would win every time. Dark hair or the same color eyes are superficial. Its the subtle things that most people dont even notice that families share through DNA that are undeniable. But adoptees pick up these subtle differences or similarities, because we have no genetic mirroring while growing up.

My N sibs are the same way, too.

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