New Recycling Laws Enforcement Unspecific?
Granted, there is only so much "stuff", and only a foolish culture doesn't recycle. However it is a well-known neo-Nazi trick to write unclear laws which nebulously make ordinary living illegal in some ways, for selective enforcement to get rid of their political enemies. Specifically here, there is no list of what goes in what bin. Many if not most new mothers use disposable diapers out in public, and even if at home, they are not properly flushable in most plumbing systems. Compost or garbage? Roll the dice and maybe get fined! Cat litter, same liability in choices. Used bandages? And on, and on. Anything critical to our culture and therefore worth doing right, should not become a vehicle for Fascism. Will suggested lists of "what goes where" be themselves recycled without officials even reading them? If no such lists are adopted, can citizens succeed in demanding lists of specifics of what will not get them fined? Opinions, please. Regards, Larry.
Everyone please ignore the put-downers which often follow me around hoping to obliquely punish me for either not being gay or failure to surrender to crooks.
It's San Francisco, and heralded as a "model" for other cities, despite yet to be signed into law! First off, beware having too restrictive a definition of Fascist, as they start small and work up, expanding from the edges like a fungus. And may I ask where the dirty diapers go, if not flushed, or one of the 3 bins ? Anything remotely compostable is clearly designated "compost" by some authorities, and a fine would ensue if anything remotely compostable is not put into compost, including the diapers and catbox, etc. Other authorities will apply legal remedy if such IS put into the compost rather than the garbage. Finally, I must suggest that your insulting, overbearing, sanctimonious, and condescending demeanor toward anyone speaking ill of Fascism, well, actually 'nuff said!