Any foster parents or social workers out here?

I a hoping to find someone with some information to help.

My brother in law got evicted the other day, he gave my nephew (18 months) to my husband and I. Upon is getting my nephew we realized that he had been in an abusive home and we call child services to prevent him from ever going back there. The ball got rolling and they asked my husband and I to take on my nephew bc they like to keep children with family. It was shown that my nephew had been abused and neglected. The social worker came to my home and everything is OK on that area. We were approved to be his relative guardian.
I have three children and my nephew is a special needs child, he needs constant care and will need care for the rest of his life. My HUsband and I were really trying to think about what is best for my nwphew. Also, my brother in law has a very violent past so we were worried about my him coming here to hurt someone and try to get his son.
Long story short, last night my brother in law had an altercation with the social worker so they got custody immediately, they came and got him, said he needed to be in protective custody and that it was not safe for him to be where my brother in law could find him. I understand the urgency to keep him safe, that is what I want.
I don't understand why they won't let me see him, they said that the investigation is still ongoing so they can't give out any information. They said that he is in a good, loving home. I asked about visitation and they said we would have to talk about that later. Their was a hearing today and I have no idea how that went.

I emailed the social worker and left a message but didn't hear anything back.

I love my nephew more then anything, I haven't stopped crying since he left. I know that it is for the best and that we need to keep him safe but I don't know what happens now. Ia m just heartbroken and paniced now.

Does family typically get to see the child? How do I go about all of this. I just need to know that I will be able to see him and know that he is OK, I miss him so much and my children also miss him.

Thank You,


Favorite Answer

CPS makes money off of every child they scoop up into the system.It's a shame you couldn't work this out with family or a pastor.Sometimes these things are turned around on the innocent bystander in the case,such as the person trying to rescue a child.Big Brother is not benevolent,and even if the child is one's own,these are strange times with the UNCRC Treaty that targets parents as enemies.We are close to a Fascist New World Order,and laws stripping liberties are being passed every week.Sending a child to a public [government] school these days is insane.The best protection for a family is to keep things as private as possible,and attempt to solve problems as was done decades ago,within the community and family,and going to the State as a last resort.The Social Worker would not have a case if the problem was solved by returning your call and sending the kid to a safe home such as yours.Nor would CPS get thousands of dollars for the "care" of the child.Once the child is processed in the system the rights of the biological parents are almost null and void until lawsuits are intiated one way or another.I say almost because technically the laws are geared towards allowing parents visitation rights,but if the parents get snippy with the case worker or supervisor they are nullified.Extended family have absolutely no rights,but the research is below for you to find the progress made in that regards.Contacting them is not a wise thing to do,but it is your choice.Just be aware that there are alot of experts on the internet.I don't claim to be anything other than a concerned fellow citizen that has a good grasp at history and current geopolitical events.The Hate Crimes Bill being set to pass this week is another nail in the coffin for citizens.We have enough laws on the books.The reason more and more are passed is to centralize power in DC.And the Socialst programs[yes,Socialism] and government handouts by the Fed to the States over the past 40 years was to gain control of the states.That's why we are seeing many states passing state sovereignty bills and having Tea Parties,and banks trying to return Stimulus funds.So,please learn about these matters before taking the advice of any social worker or anonymous person,including me,on the internet.Contacting a social worker or supervisor will lock you into the system and record of the case more than you are now.And you never know when accusations will start flying.What a supervisor should do in the best interest of the child and what they will do are two different things.And the opinion that matters is the one that gives it from the seat of power.The money stops when the case ends,which is why you usually see supervised visits,and trips to psychologists,psychiatrists,and group therapy.


Educate yourself.I'm sure there are a few social workers out there that do their best and do not understand the machine that they are a part of,but the facts speak for themselves.Both Social work and welfare was set up for government control of people in the long run,not to help them.If that wasn't the cae the system would not be coming apart at the seams,which it is.It's too late to go back in time,but be careful where you place your trust and what you say,because it will be recorded.Remember that this whole Social Welfare system is based on Communist-Socialism and is anathema to the Constiutional Republic.But people have been lulled to sleep by the handouts and programs.The people at the top know the agenda clearly.


It will depend on the state you are living in. I'm a social worker in California and I have had cases where family members want visitation. The law only requires that parents be granted visitation but the worker should consider that keeping up family relations are the most important thing. If you aren't getting a response from the social worker, call the main office number and get the name/number for the supervisor. Don't worry about getting anyone angry - it's your right to speak to the supervisor (I give my supervisor's business card to all my clients so they can always call).

Another idea is to attend the next court hearing if you know when it is. The judge will be notified that you are present and you may be able to request the social worker set up visitation. Also, the child has been assigned an attorney. When you speak with the supervisor (and you should) ask for the name/number of the attorney - that way s/he can bring up the issue of visitation in court.

Be prepared for them to give you supervised visitation. If the father is that violent or out of control they may fear that he would know (from some family member) when you are picking up the child. If you have supervised visitation it will be at a visitation center, the center will have a staff transport the child there and back to the foster home for safety and may or may not sit in during your visit. You will likely not be given the name of the foster parent, their phone number or address. Keep in mind if the visits are supervised, it is likely not a reflection of the worker's opinions about you but rather the danger of the situation. Good luck, I hope it works out for you. And definitely call the supervisor!!


Read up on things.Avoid the social workers unless you can't afford an attorney.