Muslims, Is there anything in history or in scripture that demonstrates Allah existed before Muhammad?
Many Muslims claim the prophets were Muslims and taught Islam.
Is there any scriptural or historical evidence to demonstrates Allah existed before Muhammad? Please don't offer the Bible as it disagrees with the teachings of Muhammad.
In Christianity we have the previous scriptures and historical writings that demonstrated God is not an invention of Jesus but that Jesus came to fulfill the prophesies of the prophets of the coming Messiah.
I am not asking about the name Allah as we know the name itself predates Islam but the previous historical Allah's were not the Islamic Allah. The Arabic Allah at the time of Muhammad could not be the Allah of Islam because he was a pagan god with daughters.
Is there any historical or scriptural evidence that demonstrated the Allah of Islam preexisted Muhammad and was not merely a product of Muhammad's imagination?
Cu as I sated I realize the name Allah is before Islam...but this Allah with three daughters is not your Allah is it? I am asking for historical or scripural; evidence Muhamamd's Allah existed before Muhammad.
HC Before the Torah and scriptures historically God spoke directly to his people. As far I know since scripture God has not spoken directly to people who were not prophets. Is your point that Islam was practiced without scripure or historical evidence? God spoke directly to all of his people again as it was before Moses?
Waazer again the name Allah does not mean the Allah of Islam unless the god Allah father of al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat is your Allah.
Formy according to Muslims Islam was always practiced because all prophets were Muslim..Seems all historical and scriptural evidence is contrary to this teaching..again the name Allah is not simply a Muslim name and I am not asking if the name Allah preexisted Islam. I know it did..Is any god that is called Allah the Allah of Islam?
The pagan moon God was called Al Ilah the god shortened to Allah. This is not the Allah of Islam is it? I am asking if there is any evidence the Allah of Islam the god worshipped by Muhammad has historical or scriptural evidence of existence before Muhammad..Yes there is evidence of a god called Allah and there is evidence of the Goid of Abraham worshipped by Christians adn Jews...Is there evidence of the Islamic Allah before Muhammad?
Muhmammad K. I am asking a simple question..I am asking if there is historical or scriptural evidence of the Allah of Islam prior to Muhammad.
This isn't a trick question. There seems to be historical evidence of all the gods worshiped before and after Islam but none of the Allah of Islam being worshiped before Muhammad.
It seems to me if Allah of Islam is worshiped before Islam there would be historical evidence someone worshiped him or scriptural evidence someone worshiped him prior to Muhammad. If not why not? There is historical evidence of a god Allah with three daughters that is before Islam. There seems to be hiistorical or scripural evidence of most gods that were worshiped before Allah of Islam..but it seems that the Islamic Allah simply appears at the time of Muhammad.
Once in a Blue Moon, Muhamad's family worshiped pagan gods..the moon god Allah is not suposed to be the Allah of he? Not this is not documentation of your Islamic Allah unless he has three daughters.
Rocky I'm an idiot if I don't beleive you can document that Jins built a Mosque?
Interesting I would love to see your documentation of this historical fact.
Yes friend there is documentation historic and scriptural that God existed and was worshiped before Jesus Christ. My God and his scriptures predate Jesus Christ. There was a long history of my God before Christ.
800 years before the birth of Christ.
Isa. 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isa. 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a asign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
Mat. 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Mat. 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.