TH(Family)!Which do you like more?The German songs or the English ones?
I finally got the German ones on CD's and I gotta say I like them more(even though I can't really understand what they're's just so many more German ones than English and I think they sound better.Don't get me wrong I still like the English ones(Don't Jump to be more specific)but I'm starting to like the German ones more.To tell you the truth I was getting kinda sick of listening to ONLY the English Don't stone me,lol it's just that that's the only CD I had from them and it was just time for something
Okay so which one do you prefer?English songs or the German ones?
Please star! :) Thanks!
Oh I have already seen the songs with their I know the meanings of some of them.It's just that I don't really know German so I can't really understand what they're
丰Die Wunde Bliebt Fur Immer丰2009-06-20T18:20:17Z
Favorite Answer
i like the german songs better. German is a beautiful language so it just sounds better than any english song. The german songs actually fit in with the tune and stuff, not sayiing that the english ones dont but eh :/. Bill sings with more emotion on the german songs and they seem to have more meaning. THe german songs are how the songs are meant to be written therefore, they make more sense and the lyrics are deeper when you read the translations.Dont hate me but the english songs kind of lose their feeling when they're translated because the words dont all translate right.They get lost in traslation. Thats why its better to listen to the german version because that way we know what bill's really talking about. For example, the english version of "Totgeliebt" is " Love is Dead" but totgeliebt actually means loved to death. Then their's the song " On the Edge", most people read the lyrics and think ok, its about a girl that cuts herself. The german version of the song is called "Stich ins Gluck" which means something like prick/kick/hurt into happiness, but that wouldn't make any sense in english. You know what i mean?? Also, both those songs are about a girl addicted to drugs, not cutting. Then, songs like "Final Day" also lose meaning, idk what "Der Letzte Tag" is about but, the english version sounds like its about the last day of the world or something but the german version is something like Bill's telling a girl that if this is their last day together, then dont tell him yet. Again idk if that's right but you can read the translation and make your opinion. and their are more translations of their songs on youtube if you need any. hope this helped!!
Kind of hard to answer because there are ones in German that aren't in english that I LOVE like Unendlichkeit or Nach Dir Kommt Nichts so I guess I'd have to say the German songs for that reason not to mention how sexy and confident Bill sounds in German!!!
I absolutely love them both! But I like the German ones a little bit more, like someone before me said Bill voice in German is AMAZING! But you gotta love the English too :]