Does Johnny Miller annoy anyone else?

His voice, and the way he thinks he knows everything about golf irritates the heck out of me. I wish they would find someone else to commentate. Your thoughts?


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its not his voice, he's sarcastic and demeaning. Yeah he is a golf guru and knows as much about the game as anyone else, but he sounds so cynical far to often. If another announcer makes a compliments, miller loves to name who is better or why the compliment is better suited for someone else. While listening i find myself thinking, " Come on Miller, this guy's family and friends are listening to this, and I'm sure they didn't appreciate that comment." David Farrety owns Miller in the realm of announcing. At least when Farrety takes a shot at someone, its not taking as anything but levity.


Johnny Miller is the most knowledgeable commentator on the networks today regarding golf tournament announcing. He knows the game, was a star in his own right, understands the shots which are required and calls the results of the shots as he sees them. Many feel he is too critical but you must remember he is talking about golf professionals who have qualified for the tournament and should be performing shots at that professional level. When they screw up he tells you along with what happened to cause the foul shot.


Johnny Miller does a great job commentating. He's been in those situations, He's hit those shots. He's made those mistakes. If you want someone to sugarcoat the commentating get Paula Abdul.

thomas p2009-06-22T00:17:54Z

I think his candor is a fresh departure from the network regulars. You could bring in the the sportswriters to talk about the players favorite course, food, automobile and crap like the great challenge in their lives. He is the best golf commentator because he knows the game and is not star struck by the players.


I like Johnny Miller...he tells it like it is and is not afraid to criticize a player, or offer praise when it's deserved.

The guy that really bugged today was the on-course announcer who said Tiger Woods, BEFORE he teed off, was going to birdie the hole. What did that comment add to the viewer's knowledge of the event that he is covering? (Tiger parred the hole)

Maybe we can look forward to other announcers doing this in other sports:

"I think Joe is going to hit a homerun this at bat."

"I predict that Frank is going to pass for a TD on this drive."

Comment on what you SEE, not what you THINK is going to happen!

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