Story of your life made into a movie: What actor/actress plays you?
Is the story of your life a comedy? action movie? horror movie? snuff film? love story? documentary where you get eaten by a bear?
No thumbs down, only thumbs up. I'm like Holden Ebert.
R.Gaspari: I see the title now. "Golden Showers: One man's struggle to express himself". It will be on BET in no time.
Michael: I am just glad you didn't put "with" in there. A mix of all genres eh? Sure, why not.
Neo: Well if you recall Bastion posted a question about who was more attractive Jessica Biel or Megan Fox and I stated that Mila Kunis was more attractive than both. So good choice, this doesn't guarantee you BA of course, but the Finland angle sounds compelling. I see this like "Twilight" without the vampires and non-stop references to feeling electrified when some guy looks at you. Kudos!
MMMMM: McKellan, very good choice. He may be older, but we do have the wonders of cgi, just think if they could be creepy with Brad Pitt in Benjamin Button what kind of awkwardness could be created with Sir Ian.
Rio: Good choice with Natalie Portman. I think she needs to do some more comedies. She was amazing in Garden State (where she was comedic though the movie was a little dark). I see her in a bunker operating running a radio show while eating chocolate gelati.
Yamiashi: Finally someone says horror. Not sure that's a good thing, but if you have a to wear a mask, I hope it looks like one of those spooky facial ones women get at spas. More terrifying than any hockey mask or William Shatner mask. Though the real William Shatner face is more frightening than all of the above.
Snister: Jason Mewes eh? Good choice. Just promise us all you won't flash your junk like he did in "Zak and Miri". Thanks
Winter Glory: I'm sure we can send some cheesecake and ice cream her way. If she's a method actress, she'll curve herself up. We can even get Tony Danza, I'm sure he's not busy.
Icevixen: Well I like the idea of a thriller. I am sure she'd like to do something like that. We'll even keep fur coats off the movie set.
La la la: I think you have the makings of a good flick. I was thinking who would be the best actress for you, I am leaning toward Amanda Peet. I am not sure if she's age appropriate, but her turn in "Igby Goes Down" shows she has far more range than most of her movies allowed. Mull it over. Have your people call my people.
TWOSOCKS: I like the choice and I like Kate Walsh as well. Though if I were you, I'd have to consider Christina Hendricks from "Mad Men". That's one rather stunning redhead.
Peri: Good choice in actress and director. I do believe Scott is still alive so that helps. Why not kind of like "Alien" but takes place in the old west. It could be called "Once up on a time in the old west was an alien". Ok, let me work on that and get back to you.
am: You took my sincere and deeply thought out question so you can try to factor in your desire to have some girl on girl action huh??? Nice one.