Looking for good painters to critique my photos?
My images have been modified to change colors. Many photographers do not see/care about the color element. All photographer comments have been "you have destroyed perfectly good pictures". I do not have an artist training but I like Rothko, Pollack, Miro etc for their colors.
Trouble getting to the site?
Go to http://www.flickr.com/photos and search for one of the image names "TigerLily5633" and click on the 'See More' link
Thanks a lot for any helpful comments.
These are all photos taken with a Nikon and are heavily 'Photoshopped'. In fact they are the result of finding a process that inverts some darks to lights etc. giving a pseudo negative look and some colors are inverted to the color opposite on the color wheel. The process takes 5 seconds and results are either stunning or awful. These are some that worked.