Looking for good painters to critique my photos?


My images have been modified to change colors. Many photographers do not see/care about the color element. All photographer comments have been "you have destroyed perfectly good pictures". I do not have an artist training but I like Rothko, Pollack, Miro etc for their colors.

Trouble getting to the site?
Go to http://www.flickr.com/photos and search for one of the image names "TigerLily5633" and click on the 'See More' link

Thanks a lot for any helpful comments.


These are all photos taken with a Nikon and are heavily 'Photoshopped'. In fact they are the result of finding a process that inverts some darks to lights etc. giving a pseudo negative look and some colors are inverted to the color opposite on the color wheel. The process takes 5 seconds and results are either stunning or awful. These are some that worked.


Favorite Answer

excellent eye for color and color relationships. The weak photos are easily identified, however the strong photos like Rusty Bridge, Flower Shadows and especially Kain Bridge are nothing short of extrordinary. If you avoid the easy shots like water lily and yellow rose and instead make all of them have the depth and emotional content of the best of them you will have a fine and highly marketable body of work.


I love your photos.

Have you ever used Painter X, a sister of PhotoShop? If you are familiar with the interface of PhotoShop, then you'll too familiar with that of the Painter X. The brushes in both softwares were invented by Mark Zimmer.

You can open any PhotoShop files in Painter.
Painter has a lot more customable brushes than PhotoShops. A lot of artists are working between these two softwares; most prefer Painter to PhotoShop.


You are amazing. Keep up the good work!