Jackson- Rowe reversal of TPR and money deals not once but twice?

If you have been keeping up with any of the gossip about the Rowe-Jackson case, can you please explain to me how a woman who willingly terminated her rights to her children got it reversed in court because he wasn't paying her as he had promised. And to reach a decision out of court that involved money a second time is just befuddling to me. How is this different from other TPR's, and why is money allowed in this case? Is ti because they were once married?


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As I understand it her rights were never properly terminated. She agreed to have her rights terminated and the judge agreed to do so but it was overturned as a parental fitness investigation was never conducted. In California CPS must investigate parental fitness prior to a TPR being approved. The matter was dropped in terms of a family court issue and a private, contractual out-of-court agreement was struck in which she gave up custody and reportedly received a settlement amount. If it was a contractual agreement and MJ is in breach of his contractual obligations whatever they maybe it could be revisited.

I feel very badly for the children. Unfortunately the welfare of the children may not be of first priority for some of those who seek custody. A lot of money will be at stake and there is likely to be a battle royale for control of their portion of the estate. I hope someone will truly look after their best interest...and that person is not a Gloria Alred or one of the other usual media loving attorneys who typically try to strong-arm their way into and in front of the cameras on things like this.

No Chance Without Yo Mama2009-06-27T14:07:42Z

I'm not sure where this case stands and I haven't read any recent news but I thought the case was never TPRed or otherwise finalized. No?

I imagine their marriage may have an effect on this case but buying and selling parental rights would be illegal regardless. There must be some twist or loophole they exploited to obtain the legal right to exchange money and custody. Maybe he pays her "child support" in exchange for her never pressing visitation? IDK. Weird people. Who knows what angle they used.

If anyone has news of a TPR reversal I would appreciate a link to catch up on this case. Thanks.


this could be a maximum tragic subject. that's unlucky that notwithstanding determination is made those toddlers are suffering. i will't think of that's achieveable to have what maximum could evaluate a classic adolescence. From the 2nd of concept there is concept and doubt. Rowe has stated that she could have a DNA to coach her paternity.. notwithstanding i could have felt approximately MJ as a "parent" the observations of the Jackson relatives via this entire mess has been considered one of self serving time-honored Jackson habit. unusual. to declare the least. I pray for the toddlers to get via this and the books interior the destiny would be maximum telling. to circulate from the existence with MJ to the existence that Rowe lives could require that experts are in touch to help with transition. regrettably there is to lots money in touch for the inducement of those in touch to be considered "interior the terrific interest " of the toddlers. a minimum of "grandma Jackson" does not stay along with her husband. who's a real jerk. In his sons death he's hawking his new checklist label. So few issues exchange for this fool. Time will tell. those toddlers decide on some normalcy. If it incredibly is achieveable. Like Liza M stated "all hell is gonna injury unfastened" and he or she is sweet.

2 Little All Stars2009-06-27T06:38:20Z

I find it so frustrating that this Debbie Rowe women has no interest in her children only in the money her children bring her. How devastated the kids will feel when they find this out. And I really hope Rowe does not get the custody of the children because it is clear from her past actions that she is only in it for the money. These kids never knew her and if she swoops in and takes them (along with their money) I think that would be awful. I hope the judge who presides over this case can see that this women has never had interest in the well being of her children and only has interest in the money.


From what I heard, her rights were never terminated. She went to court to have them terminated around their divorce time, but the judge never approved it, so she has a good chance of parenting her children... chance, that is. I hope the judge sees that they're better off under the protection of the Jacking family realm. That's where they belong, TOGETHER with the Jacksons.

God Bless Your Children

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