Can I replace a rod without taking the head off.It's a 97 camry with a 2.2 liter.?

I say no,but some say yes.Even if it will come out the bottom,I don't think you could get it back in.There is not a flat surface for the ring compression tool to sit.(IDK)Anyone familiar with this engine.I need to replace a rod and put a crank kit in.I'm a chevy man,and don't mess with rice burners much.


Rudy,,,Kiss myass.There.That wasn't racist either.


The engine ran great till the rod bearing started going.I'm just gonna put a crank kit and a new rod in it and sell it.It will be lots cheaper and easier if I didn't have to pull the head.Just trying to save time and money.


Favorite Answer

actually it is possible. you wouldnt use a ring compressor to do it and you wouldnt keep it either. if you plan on keeping it pull the head. but you can work the rings in from underside, but it aint worth it, they wont be right,thats whay i said sale it.


You are correct, there wont be a flat place for the ring compressor. I also doubt that the piston will clear the crankshaft.

Edit: If the rod bearing is bad but the rod is OK you could possibly put a crank kit in it without pulling the pistons. I'm not saying I would do this , just that it is possible.


No, the rod will not come out the bottom and you're correct, there's nowhere to seat the ring compressor under there anyway. Pull the head.


You must remove the head to replace a rod. There's no way around it.

Rudy H2009-06-27T15:44:26Z

You could do it with the spark plug removed. Rice burner or not, compression is compression. You're referring to the Rice Burners that are now the #1 selling car in the world, as opposed to the American POS that some people drive right? Don't be racist.

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