"Reverting" back to Islam?

is not that a little ignorant and pompous to assume that all people are born Muslim??!?!?! A child has NO religion! I agree with Dawkins when he says that its child abuse to say that this child is a Muslim/Christian/ Jewish child...


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every child born in the pure nature (no original sin) and thats what we called islam

plz check the link in my profile entitled what is islam to know what the word really means


Bulent D2009-06-29T15:58:35Z

First, a child is a child. Not a muslim, not a jewish, not a christian, but a child is like an angel, so he or she is spotless when he or she comes to the world. Please think a bit, which religion had Jesus had when he was born? Was he a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jewish, or all together?


That's the case. If born within Islam, you are Islamic. Period. There is no question about it in their law.

Christians? They say it, but they've been through a reformation, they've come to see the cultural past as the past and no longer take the Bible literally as a larger group (some subgroups do, but they are rare).

Jewish people consider everyone born Jewish Jewish, period. However, they are an excellent example of cooperation within a religion/people. There are atheist Jews, Christian Jews, Orthodox Jews, etc. They are truly ahead of us in this respect (respect is the word, pun intended).

One cannot revert to Islam. It is forever.

I am grateful my family fled Islam before I was born.


Thank God that dawkins is not our Lord and Savior. His ideas of child abuse to say that a child has no right to believe in God is pompous to say the least


a child can not be rebellious against God.He has no sin.So this makes a child the best of muslims.The first followers of Jesus was muslim too.Jesus was muslim too.Adam was muslim too because all of them were not rebellious against God

what will you do now ? :)

Dawkins doesnt know Islam.His theories about religion doesnt work on Islam

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