How do I left him know I'm not interested?

My friend's had a crush on Steven since forever, but he likes me. He's told me that and he keeps inviting me to the movies. Everytime I suggest someone come with us he makes some dumb excuse. I'm really good friends with him and I kind of like him, but I don't want to hurt my friend. How do I tell him I'm not interested without telling him that my other friend likes and without making him hate me???


Favorite Answer

I had the same problem in second grade. I thought about putting on ugly clothes and look like someone he will not want to go for. And change your name. If that does not work act twice as ugly.


Simply state: I like you as a friend, But i am not ready to get involved in a relationship at this time. Can we remain as friends?
This will let him know that you still care about him as a person, But not in a romantic way. Yes he will be disappointed, But he will get over it. This way you are honest with him and yourself, And he should respect your opinion as well. I hope this will help you.


tell him that u dont like him like that just as a friend he can only make himself angry and tell after u say that that your friend likes him:)

can u answer mine?

Freddy #302009-06-28T15:15:01Z

Tell him you like someone else. Mine?;_ylt=AlYqvECpvi4xHxQn4VfQosPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090628150022AAupiuO


just say to him i just want to be friends nothing more and nothing less

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