Why do they make two products?

So I just saw a commercial for zip-lock bags that are made of less plastic and using wind energy. There is also a Reynolds wrap aluminum foil that is also more green. My question is if both the "greener" product and the original are of equal quality why do they make both. This also goes for the cleaners. I think that if we really want to make a change for a better earth that companies if they find a greener better way to make the product then they should just sell the "greener" product. Other wise you give people a choice and they will think that the "greener" product is not as good. So the question is if they are equal why make both?


I understand some of the cost thing when they use recycled products because it take a little more work to get them in a work able form. But still I am sure it is not that big of a dent in the companies budget they could sell it at the same price. I have not looked at the price as both products are not sometime I really buy. I have had the same roll of aluminum foil for almost 5 years. And I buy plastic bag maybe once a year. We store our food in containers.


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Thats a great question and I never really thought about it. The green products are more expensive - i don't know if it costs more to make them or not, but if based on volume, they probably sell less of the green, thus making the price higher. But, I could be wrong. If the green product does cost more, then they are offering both products in order to stay competitive with other manufacturers, while at the same time offering you a choice.


This is just an oppourtunity for them to increase their sales -- they are able to reach out to people who think the environment is more important and also to people who think the cost is more important.

This way they get more business


This is crappy capitalism. We need to government to choose one way GREEN!!! and make it so taht one company makes one type of bag efficiently, like they used to do in the USSR before the USA interviened. Like cap and trade for example.


usually "greener" cost more and people don't like to spend more, what with losing there jobs and all, how dare they not sacrafice them selves for the environment.


If they have two products, they make more money. business is all about profits.