Does failing the Math B Exam mean summer school if you passed the course?

Okay, this is really embarrassing for me. But I guess it's better to ask anyway than to sit around with the question sitting on my chest for hours.
I've always done really well in school, but never that well in math. But even this year, in the Math B course, I managed to get a final grade of an 84. The problem is that I got a 62 on the final exam. Figures, right?

Considering I passed the course fairly well, I don't really want to retake the course in summer school. I do, however, want to retake that exam in August so I can get that stupid credit. =P

Does that mean I have to retake the course over the summer? Or can I just sign up to take the exam? This is all new to me...I've never failed an exam before.

preet k2009-06-29T09:16:38Z

Favorite Answer

Well in NY we have the regents.
If you get below a 65 you failed it and even if you passed the course in school with flying colors your grade for the class will be lowered to a failing grade.
So, you can either take the summer course and take it again in august
or you can just take the test without taking the course again. But if you fail again you repeat the course in school.


All the advice I have 1) Don't stress out, that's just a waste 2) Try to cut back anything non-essential. Just like you have to devote time to wrestling to succeed, you have to devote time to learning too. Don't expect to do good if you're not trying. 3) The only way to do math is to understand the important concepts and to do practice problems. If you suffer on either part of those, then you have to try harder 4) If you don't understand something, you have to ask for help, but don't end it there. Many concepts of mathematics are difficult to understand at first, and no one can make you understand them. You have to struggle to understand the material by youself, as well as consult others. Edit: Adding another one 5) Don't think you suck, because then it's only inevitable you will fail. Approach ever situation like you can do it, otherwise you will fail regardless of whether you can do it (a la self-fulfilling prophecy)


i don't believe that you have to retake the course...but I'm pretty sure you need to sign up for the exam again

John M2009-06-29T08:00:38Z

No, not if you passed the course


I don't know.