My lease is up in August and I would like to rent month to month.?

Is it legal for the landlord to raise the rent by $100.


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Of course it is. He can raise it much more than that if you don't live in a rent controlled area.


Of course it is. The previous lease is over then. The increase in rent will be higher if you month-to-month as the landlord has the risk that your will leave earlier and he will need to get a new tenant.

David Z2009-06-30T12:03:15Z

Yes it is legal. This is now a new lease and terms have to be negotiated.

But I would suggest countering with a reduction in $100 instead. With houses falling in value rents should be decreasing not increasing. Maybe you can settle back in the middle.


Yup, once your lease is over and you are month to month then the rent can be changed with 30 day notice.


Yes. That's the new lease amount. You can leave with only giving 30 days notice, or he can kick you out with 30 days notice.