question about my pokemon lineup?

ok so i like to choose pokemon to play with before i start so i was wonderin gif anyone could rate this lineup because i really like it (fully evolved all of them)
-infernape -luxray
-machamp -alakazam
-mismagius -gyarados
-noctowl leveled up (flying purposes)


Favorite Answer

Well, if i had to rate it, i would have to give it a 9 out of 10. You don't really have a balence of different types, but your pokemon's strength makes up for that.


I agree, you DON'T have a balance of types...

*You have 2 fighting types (Infernape + Machamp)
*You have a Ghost-Type and a Psychic-Type - which I don't see to be quite fitting.
*The rest look pretty good though - nice work.