Johnny Miller? Why can't he just commentate?

After every shot he has to over analyze a players swing, and find fault with it. Then he talks about different swings, and uses words that he makes up to predict the ball flight. He annoys me to the point where I almost turn off the TV. He gets down on some players also on a consistent basis, and should keep his opinions to himself. Who agrees?


I think Faldo does a better job, and is not near as annoying.


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Since his job is to provide color commentary I guess you could say that we a re just stuck with him. He would certainly not be my choice for the position he has of that you can be assured.


I agree he does call a good game... almost TOO good. Some sports psychologists have reported about a "weekend warrior" developing a mental game that relates information almost like the way Miller describes it on TV. He points out all the trouble, and can be hypercritical at times. It's great for TV, bad for your golf psyche.

That said, he is definitely the most polarizing golf persona in the booth. I don't mind him, though I like David Feherety and Nick Faldo just a touch better. Maybe it's the accents.


Johnny Miller is perhaps the best golf announcer on TV. He is a player who has experienced most all the situations on which he is commentating, has had the trials and tribulations which are part of golf and understands what is required to be a professional golfer. When he says a shot was not up to the caliber of the player, or it was miss hit rest assured that he is correct. For the golfers who like his style and commentary, we hope he continues his way . For you who do not either turn off the TV or turn down the sound.


I disagree. Johnny is one of the most popular announcers when polls are taken. But he is a polarizing figure and those who hate him, really hate him. I think he adds to the show, not takes from it. He says whats on his mind and holds no punches. He'll call a great shot great and lousy shot lousy. And isn't afraid to have a laugh at his expense either.