Is Obama really staging his town hall events?

That is not very transparent now, is it?

In the stage-managed event, questions for Obama came from a live audience selected by the White House and the college, and from Internet questions chosen by the administration's new-media team. Of the seven questions the president answered, four were selected by his staff from videos submitted to the White House Web site or from those responding to a request for "tweets."

The president called randomly on three audience members. All turned out to be members of groups with close ties to his administration: the Service Employees International Union, Health Care for America Now, and Organizing for America, which is a part of the Democratic National Committee. White House officials said that was a coincidence.


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His campaign is just one big show, everything is scripted. (except maybe some of Biden's comments)

Yes I said campaign, his actions are more campaigning than governing. He has already opened a 'campaign' office in Iowa for th 2012 election, three years before the election, never before in history has this happened. He appears more worried about reelection than governing.


Did you ask this question when Bush was President?

Tom Maguire and Mary Katharine Ham both take the mainstream media to task on how they framed Bush’s “orchestrated” town hall meetings versus Obama’s, the latter of which took part in a town hall “discussion” on healthcare earlier today in Virginia.

“It’s in keeping with the media’s narratives about Dubya and Obama, though, the former shifty and stupid and therefore dependent on softballs, the latter “open” and ingenious and no longer required to prove his ability to handle tough questions.”


On March 21, Bush addressed a “town hall” meeting in Denver, Colorado, organized by the White House as part of Bush’s nationwide “Conversation on Social Security”—a series of media events staged to promote his plan to partially privatize the government benefits system for senior citizens.

As with virtually all of Bush’s public appearances, these events are meticulously vetted. Nobody is allowed entry who has not been approved by Republican operatives and given a ticket, and the softball questions lobbed to the president are generally rehearsed in advance.

But as the Denver event revealed, even possession of an admission ticket does not suffice to shield one from the Republican thought-police. Three of the ticket-holders at the Denver “conversation” were removed from the venue an hour before the president arrived. They had obtained their tickets in advance through the office of Colorado Republican Congressman Bob Beauprez.

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YES! And some members of the media are finally calling this administration out for it's blatantly unethical behavior.

This is Helen Thomas & Chip grilling Gibbs over the issue before the townhall:


YEs he is and it is wrong.

IT shows Obama has no clue on how to answer anything, it shows he doesn't want to TALK about his plan as it's that bad and it shows Obama is hand picking people for his Stage to try to persuade people.

IT's not WORKING !

Dirt Napper2009-07-02T17:13:04Z

Even Helen Thomas cornered Gibbs yesterday about the controlled questions by the press corps and told him that even Nixon was more open with the press than Obama is. Government controlled media = fascism.

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