What kind of bullet killed Neda Agha-Soltan?

Women are forbidden to sing in Iran. Neda was taking secret private singing lessons from a man, and Islamic Fundamentalists shot her dead when she met him once in public, last week. The Mullahgov claims it was the American CIA who shot her, as "the bullet is not of a type used in Iran, but commonly used by the CIA". No kidding about this, CNN covered it. I cannot find what kind of bullet that was. Does anybody know? The whole thing sounds like a really juvenile cover-up to me. And this nonsense about certain special bullets used by the CIA, which the Iranians are too good for, is a comedy within a tragedy. Let's call this the hunt for truth and justice.


T&G - I am not an Iranian.


R B - Which version of the Koran is this in? You do know the Koran more than doubled in size before the professional clergy (the Mullahs) which are forbidden to exist in the Koran, agreed to finally write it down.


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In this day of media ignorance, anyone can repeat any lie they choose and can get airtime.

I've watched with great interest the Iranian people's desire for reform of their oppressive government. The death of Neda will be a watershed moment in that movement for years to come.

The facts are, that the Basij militiaman who fired that shot was quickly caught by the other protesters on the scene and then released, but his identity card was widely published by members of the movement.

The Basji militia are not officially armed, but many have been pictured with AKs.

The "CIA bullet" is of course completely false.

Islam does not prohibit autopsies. In fact, Neda's organs were harvested for transplants.

Think and Grow2009-07-02T18:41:43Z


This is a sad thing.

As to the selection of a gun and cartridge for work as a sniper, consider this thought. The CIA is staffed by very well trained and dedicated people. They know well the tools of their trade. They also know how to be invisible.

Were they to have done this, they might have used a special built gun, but I would bet my bottom dollar that the cartridge chosen would be the 7.62x39 AK47 round. The barrel might be a custom made, extreme high grade barrel, but it would be rifled to the specifications of the Chinese made AK47. The cartridge may have been hand loaded to give the optimum accuracy for this gun, but the primer and powder would be the same as coming out of either Russia or China.

In other words, one of the best spy units on the world would insure that on the receiving end, the apparent shot would have come from an AK47 of Chinese manufacture, shooting Chinese ammo. They would not have used an American gun or cartridge, they know what that would cause.

Sorry to say, but Neda Agha-Soltan was killed my the religious fanatics that run your country with the goal of closing off the protests of your stolen election.

P.S. The election was rigged, you have been robbed.

I hope that some day your country throws off the yoke of oppression. The Europeans finally got the Catholic church in line, I hope that someday your people will come out of the new dark age of the Muslim religion and back into the light that once was.

R B2009-07-02T19:14:09Z

Women are not forbidden to sing, but for a single woman to meet with a man who is not related to her is a very serious sin, but it does not carry the death penalty unless the woman is married, a single woman who does it should be banished from the community for at least one year...


It's too bad that Islamic religious practices prohibit autopsies on dead people. The world will probably never be made privy to that information.


Possibly a 7.62 x 39 mm bullet

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