So is the Old Testament null and void now? Is it completely ignored by Christians?

I'm guessing it is, because...

why aren't we stoning farmers who grow more than one crop in a field? Or people who are wearing clothes made of two materials? (Leviticus 19:19)

Why don't we execute adulterers? (Leviticus 20:10)

Why aren't raped women marrying their rapists? (Deuteronomy 22:28)

Why do we have women's rights, despite the Bible being clear on its view of women in Genesis 3:16, 1 Corinthians 14:35, and 1 Timothy 2:11-12?

Why are men clean shaven? (Leviticus 19:27)

Why aren't we killing everyone who works on Sunday? Obviously God isn't very important to police officers, mail carriers, doctors, and firemen, so why aren't we putting them to death? (Exodus 35:2)

And why aren't you all becoming eunuchs? Don't you want your special reward? (Isiah 56:4)

Why aren't chronic masturbaters cutting off their hands? Why don't the lustful scoop out their eyes? (Matthew 5:29-30)

Why do we go to court, when the Bible says we should let the church decide disputes? 1 Corinthians 6:1-8

Why do we allow people to divorce? (Mark 10:2-12) And why aren't we killing everyone who remarries? (Luke 16:18)

Why do we call our male parent our father? (Matthew 23:9)

And what do you all suggest we do with foolish people? Proverbs 26:4 clearly states not to answer a fool according to his follies, lest we become a fool ourselves. But the very next verse, Proverbs 26:5, states that we should answer a fool according to his follies, or we will think himself to be wise. What do you think God was trying to say there?

Why aren't we hiding our feces? (Deuteronomy 23:12-14)

Why don't men fulfill their obligation to have a child with their widowed sister-in-laws? (Deuteronomy 25:5-10) Shouldn't we be putting them to death? (Genesis 38:8-10)

Why do we take oaths in courts, when they are clearly from the Devil? (Matthew 5:33-37)

Why didn't we send weapons and money to Germany in 1942? Shouldn't we give Iraq a few missiles or planes before we leave? (Luke 6:35)

Why do some men have long hair? (1 Corinthians 11:14) And why didn't Jesus follow his own advice?

Why do we allow women to wear jewelry and braid their hair? (1 Peter 3:3)

Why do we have hospitals when prayer is clearly all we need? (James 5:14-15)

We do we feed the homeless? (2 Thessalonians 3:10)

Why don't we do everything hypocrites tell us to do? (Matthew 23:3)

Why can't we sell daughters to pay off credit cards? (Exodus 21:7-11)

Why don't we kill rebellious teenagers? (Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9, Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

Why can't we have Mexican and Canadian slaves? (Leviticus 25:44)

Why don't we rape rapists, steal from thieves, and burn arsonists? (Exodus 21:23-25)

Why don't we punish men and boys for being uncircumcised? (Genesis 17:14)

Why do Christians eat pork? (Leviticus 11:7)

Why don't women attending their mandatory ceremonial cleansing after their period, as prescribed in Leviticus 15:28?

Why don't we execute blasphemers? (Leviticus 24:26)


Favorite Answer

I don't think there is an answer to your question that you will find satisfactory.


Leviticus 19:19 is essentially telling us that we must not sow good and bad things (seed) into our lives (fields), and that we should clothe ourselves in garments of light/goodness and not in garments of darkness, we must not mix the two. We must not mix the truth with lies in other words, we must only do good things and not bad things, etc.

The Old Testament is not abolished, it actually still stands. But we must interpret the the Scriptures in a spiritual and prophetic sense. The Torah is mostly one big grand metaphor all pointing the way to the Messiah. The Law is deeply spiritual and prophetic.

"Why aren't raped women marrying their rapists? (Deuteronomy 22:28)" While I agree this is quite harsh, there is a very important spiritual principle to be learned. God was telling us that unbelievers (the unbetrothed young virgin) who are mislead (whether by force or not) by Satan (the rapist) will suffer the consequences of being "married" to him, which will ultimately be a life devoted to the Satan's desires which has a nasty consequence of spiritual death. However, in the Torah the father did have the power to annul the marriage, in this case if the daughter requests not to be married the father can annul it, especially since it was done by force. In other words it's up the Yahweh (Father God) to determine the fate of a person

"Why aren't we hiding our feces? (Deuteronomy 23:12-14)" Uhhh, we do actually, its called flushing it away. God knew our feces are harmful if not done away with, so He instructed the Israelites to get rid of feces, especially outside the camp away from people. God is actually really smart!

I can't really be bothered to answer them all.


You have put a lot of thought into this. Of course, not all Christians eat pork-Seventh Day Adventist, for one.

For anything, you have to look at it in the time period it was written. For the cleansing after your period, people did not bathe much back then and needed to be educated. So they wrote it down and it somehow got put in the bible.

You should find someone that studies theology to answer your questions.


While the New Testament was being created, people realized that the figure and messages of Jesus were more humane and the stories of the Old Testament were strict and unreasonable. Christians follow the New Testament because Christ had risen, no longer followed the Old Testament in which Christ has not been considered in the story yet. Some religions--NOT CHRISTIAN---follow only the old Testament.


Your are right. The old law was nailed to the cross with Jesus. See Colossians 2:14

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