How do you like your beef cooked?

What temperature do you like your beef to be cooked to, rare, medium-rare, medium, medium-well, or well?

I prefer rare.


Wow, a lot of people like their steaks over cooked! I like my beef with a cool red center, not pink, red.

Happiest in the kitchen.2009-07-03T19:02:24Z

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I like rare, but I can take up to medium. So when I go out I order my setak MR, so it can go both ways and I will still be happy.

YUCK, all those people wanting well done or even medium well. They are eating dried out steak, and if they want to throw money away I will take up a collection for myself.


I like my steak to be red all the way through but just slightly warm. So, I guess that's medium rare. yummmm now i'm hungry for steak!


I like medium, it is the best of both worlds, although cooking steak to well or even mw is gross. Cooks use the thinnest cut of meat which is generally the lesser quality, so not only do I want the flavour of a steak I want the quality.


Medium-rare, or just regular ol' medium. I don't like my steak to be dry.

He's still more than amazing2009-07-04T02:04:02Z

medium rare

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