Does anyone know any hairstyles which could help draw attention away from my nose? It's the one feature of my face that I am really self conscious about. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. :)
Thank you.
Favorite Answer
If only you abandoned the idea of getting a haircut and spoiling the lovely way it falls over your shoulders. Instead grow it as long as it will grow, and it will fill everyone's heart with wonder and delight. Nose? What nose?
The only reason it sticks out on that picture with brown hair is because it is taken with a wide angle lens, which exaggerates all features like noses. The other two, your nose looks fine, and the black & white portrait you look really rather super.
Not hard at all! Cut the back short and spike it out to widen your face accross the cheek bones. Chec out some Meg Ryan. Longer on the top to have full sweeping bangs off to the side. By keeping the part to the side youll break up the length of your nose. Sweeping bangs will draw the eye down, form the back of your crown, and accross your face to help you short forehead appear longer Long straight hair will only draw the eye straight down accentuating the length of you face and nose! Bangs will help a little so will a side part but a short cut to draw the eye accross your face will help alot! Good luck! If you need a hair dresser in OH my mom is THE best and relativly inexpensive! Hit me back and ill hook you up!
i've never seen haircuts hide noses, but who nose it could theoretically be done with enough hair. i wouldn't worry though, i think it looks nice. medium length above shoulder hair looks best imo.