Who said that, and is it coming true?

It ran something like "The poor worldwide have but to realize they can simply vote themselves the treasury, the ships at sea, the guns right out of the hands of the soldiers, and ownership of the means of industrial production. What then of freedom and security?"

And is it incrementally coming true, with stimulus, GM, unilateral support of Zalaya, etc?


Notice that it is leftist leaders worldwide who lead the charge, supporting the leftist Zalaya.


Guns are involved, so hunters are involved.


Would you want the opinions of people with less to lose, or focus on more involved people's views?


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I agree with you Larry, too many hunters don't want to get involved with politics and then when they come after them they complain too late.

I don't know who made the quote you refer to but I do believe we are fast approaching these take overs and loss of rights under the current administration.


I said it last night while I was pounding back a few Cuba Libres with Fidel and his bro Raul in a Havana dive bar. A holes told me I was no Che Guevara and to shut the F up, they took my keys and called me a cab, sez I was just drunk and to give communism 1 last shot. They're actually nice guys once you get to know em.


I'll guess that it was Alexis De Tocqueville, or maybe Karl Marx.


Notice that this is the HUNTING section and just because a phrase has the word gun in it does not automatically involve hunters. Thanks for waisting our time.


Go to politics and government.Your question will get much more responses then it will in the hunting section.

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