Any reason why one should keep working when it doesnt seem to be meeting his needs?

When you earn less than you spend, the working conditions could be better and the brass could do with a little instruction in human relations and positive communications, what should you do? How do I motivate or otherwise colleagues who go on and on about things like this.

smilie says2009-07-07T14:52:49Z

Favorite Answer

The answer my friend is self respect, keeping body and soul together is man's greatest need.You may have to turn to family for assistance if you can't pay your rent, feed yourself properly and even save some money.
These problems can effect your attitude at work and cause your employer to treat you differently. Your boss is interested in running a smooth shop and making the customers happy and making a profit for him. He really doesn't have to love his employees.
Many of the poor paid people in America work two jobs to make ends meet. Hard works can make a big difference, can get you a raise, promotion,marry the boss' daughter, opps, I'm sorry, you are serious.


That is ok if at present Your are not earning the money which you deserved but still you are earning the experience and that will definitely helped you in the future.And if you leave your job the situations might be more worst than now.At least you are getting something and your mind is also busy.But you should keep trying to get a better job.and for now I'll say,"SOME THING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING"