What to name my male dog?
I just got a black standard poodle, he's a boy and I want a good strong name. I have two other dogs, they are Beau and Goldmary. Thanks for any suggestions! I'm having a hard time picking out the right name for him.
I just got a black standard poodle, he's a boy and I want a good strong name. I have two other dogs, they are Beau and Goldmary. Thanks for any suggestions! I'm having a hard time picking out the right name for him.
Favorite Answer
Apollo, Sergeat, Captain, Duke, Cheif, Moose, Orion, Shadow, Jalapeno, Lightening, Thunder, and Stormy.
Hope I helped.
Our male standard was born in Texas, so he is TEX!
He is registerd as Texas, Prince of Mayfair, (our street)
He is "altered" or I would have a million runnin around!
Love Standar poodles! Our first one after German shepards!
Fed up
I like Gryphon or Phoenix, like the mythical creatures.
Scout or Dane :)