Legal to feed SmartPak Supplements to a horse at the Ohio Jr State Fair?
2nd year my horse and I have qualified for the Ohio Jr. State Fair for 4-H. Okay so you've heard this a million times, but my horse has bone cyst in his shoulder from being broke too young and that's his only health problem. He is ridiculously lazy in the summer. I ride him every day with Sunday off and he just gets super tired fairly easily. Almost lethargic looking, but he still will go for me fairly easily. 3-4 days a week I lounge him with his head tied down, 4-6 days a week I do patterns on him and every day I ride him I work on pleasure with him using the bit I lounge him with and a training fork and then after a while the correction bit I show in. He is getting stronger and has greater endurance, but just still is exhausted 24/7. He is at a healthy weight, grazes all day, gets 3 flakes of hay twice a day, and gets a scoop and a half of 1/2 sweet feed and 1/2 oats..not sure what the correct math fraction is..something like that. I recently gave him 3 days off and rode him today but he was lazier than when I rode him every day previously that week! He is only 7 and is fairly laid back naturally and happy with life. We really do have a special bond(the one you get with your 1st horse) so it's not like he hates having me ride him. I do do different stuff with him to keep him interested..jumping/poles , trail rides, in addition to the patterns and pleasure. He has gotten super muscled from everything and uses his butt really nicely. It isn't his shoulder because he is on MSM which is legal at the fair, we used it last year as we do every day, as well as Dac Oil. My trainer suggested we get him an energy supplement with proteins to give him energy. I found SmartPak Smart Energy and he will start it this Wednesday, if it is legal at the fair that is. I couldn't find a handbook for the Jr Fair so I'm stuck! Anyone used it there or at their state's fair? Probably about the same rules, after all it is 4-H.
BOTTOM LINE: Is it legal to feed your horse a SmartPak supplement at the Ohio Jr State Fair? (or any other Jr 4-H State Fair) THANKS SO MUCH!
WOW! I WRITE A LOT! Thanks SOOOO much for everyone who really cares and actually reads the whole thing! oh and SUPER THANKS to whoever answers this with a helpful answer! I'll try to answer any of your questions!
for sure he isnt foundering. his whole barn was introduced to the green grass gradually...