what illness is treated with marijuana?
is it prescribed for severe menstrual cramps
seriously you all i have severe cramps i really want to know if this is a possibility
is it prescribed for severe menstrual cramps
seriously you all i have severe cramps i really want to know if this is a possibility
Favorite Answer
In states with medicinal marijuana programs. (ie; California, Colorado)
You can obtain a card and the right to buy it for any number of ailments including any form of ongoing severe pain. I'm not sure if severe menstrual cramps qualify but it's not a long shot at all.
Conditions that warrant marijuana scripts include but are not limited to:
-Chronic pain
-Chronic fatigue
-irritable bowel syndrome
Marijuana can treat a whole variety of things.
Few herbs offer a wide variety of therapeutic applications like these:
Relief of muscle spasms
Relief of chronic pain
Reduction in interlobular pressure inside the eye
Suppression of nausea
Weight loss - increase and restore metabolism
AIDS - Marijuana can reduce the nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting from the condition itself and the medications as well.
Glaucoma - Marijuana relieves the internal eye pressure of glaucoma, and therefore relieving the pain and slowing or even stopping the condition.
Cancer- Many side effects of the medication to stop cancer can be relieve with Marijuana, some studies suggest that Marijuana tends to slow down the progress of some types of cancer.
Multiple Sclerosis - Muscle pain, spasticity, tremors and unsteadiness are some of the effects caused by the disease that can be relieved by Marijuana.
Epilepsy - in some patients, epileptic seizures can be prevented with Marijuana use.
Chronic pain - Marijuana helps to alleviate the pain caused from many types of injuries and disorders.
Anxiety, Depression or Obsession - Even though mild anxiety is a common side effect in some users, cannabis can elevate your mood and expand the mind
Diseases and illnesses that can be treated with marijuana
The Birmingham News
+ Glaucoma - Lessens nerve pressure in the eye.
+ Cancer - Reaches the part of the brain that suppresses pain; also stimulates appetite and combats nausea associated with chemotherapy.
+ HIV/AIDS - Combats nausea, stimulates appetite to fight wasting syndrome.
+ Fibromyalgia, severe arthritis and other chronic pain disorders - Works as an analgesic to stop pain.
+ Multiple sclerosis - Can help relieve spasms and contractions.
+ Epilepsy and seizures - Can prevent seizures in some patients.
Pressure in eyeball associated with Glaucoma decreases significantly after smoking pot.
Also, helps with nausea from chemotherapy (for cancer) and a patient is able to keep down food.
Severe and chronic pain from various physical conditions is relieved somewhat as well.
Everyone saying Glaucoma for your eyes is obviously a Simpsons Fan, myself included!
But it can be used as an all round pain killer.
There are always news stories of old people being arrested for using in their own homes for pain relief. The poor guys!