Dog section: what breed do you want?
What breed of dog do you want, that you have never owned before? You can't already own the breed, and you can't have owned the breed in the past.
What breed of dog do you want, that you have never owned before? You can't already own the breed, and you can't have owned the breed in the past.
Nekkid Truth!
Favorite Answer
Peruvian Inca Orchid..
or a Xoloitzcuintle
♥ Cioccolata ♥
Wow - somebody besides me wants a Spinone Italiano?? Then again, they ARE awesome dogs. I've only seen one once - when I was working at PetSmart, a lady had a puppy Spinone - cutest darn thing ever!
I've dreamed of a redbone coonhound for well over a decade - probably going on close to 16 years now, and now I'm finally getting one in a few weeks! : )
I already answered another "Which breed do you want?" question this evening, but here it is again:
As far as purebreds go, I also like the Bernese Mt. Dogs, Spinone Italiano, German shepherd, Basset Artesian Normand, Chihuahua, English Cocker Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniel, American Foxhound, Airedale, Doberman Pinscher, Pointer, Standard Poodle, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bulldog, and Labrador Retriever.
The Tamaskan Dog. It's a working class dog that was created about 20 years ago by breeding Huskies,Malamutes, and German Shepard's with the intention of making a family dog that had all of the positive traits or the other dogs but looked as much like a wolf as possible w/o any wolf in it. And by screening all of the animals they can stop many of the congenital problems.
Check them out at
Hm, either a flat coated retriever or a Pembroke Welsh corgi. There are a lot of breeds that seem really fun to own.
ADD: I also like Borzois and Bernese Mountain dogs.
Amerz & The Labradork
Icelandic Sheepdog