What in the world is love?


Favorite Answer

a temporary feeling of euphoria and accomplishment when you are with a person, that is a important individual to keep in your life. the feeling is addictive and satisfying so it keeps us in relationships regardless if it is a mother son or a boyfriend girlfriend for having kids. there are different types of love that feel different.. some are more intense that dont last as long like the one you feel for a mate and others are not as intense but last forever no matter what happens like family love


The most profound and simultaneously abstract thing in the universe. Keep searching for answers because this question is something that cant be verbally answered but personally experienced.


a made up thing that holywood and companies try to make u believe in in order to make u feel worhtless and spend money


Love is caring for someone more than you care for yourself.

SuperPug ♔[Uk]♔2009-07-07T20:51:59Z

A funky kind of spoon.

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