Is it Normal for People with Tourettes Syndrome to have Violent Outbursts?

My boyfriend has tourettes syndrome. His isn't that bad. He doesn't have the verbal tics, just involuntary facial movements and makes small noises. He also has mild OCD. I've been told that people with the disorder usually have violent outburst bc they don't know how to control them. Has anybody else dealt with this, and it is common for Tourretes Sufferers to have these violent outbursts?
And in advance thank you for all ur answers guys!

julia R2009-07-08T21:06:36Z

Favorite Answer

I just broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years cause his ts. you gotta really love the man to be with him. he often suffered outburst of phychopherinia fear of this and that and he would become obssed over something and then would become angry very easily. sometimes it would scare me. his thinking was often would be muddled although his ts was considared mild. people with ts are often bi sexual too which caused additional problems in our relationship.

i know people are gonna get pissed off. but if you have a small child i would say find another man. he is not worth it.


Violent Outbursts have nothing to do with Tourette's. While it is possible to have a "Tic Outbreak," this has nothing to do with physical violence.

In fact, studies have shown that people with TS are NOT in any way more violent then those without.