does dad's name have to be on birth cert?

I'm an AP, but see a lot of women posting that the father's name is not on the birth certificate. I know our daughter's dad wasn't on her original either because the first mom doesn't know his full name. However if you know the first name are you legally obligated to put it on there (regardless if you're considering adoption or not)? I'm just wondering since I see so many saying it isn't there, but it seems to me they know the name in many cases.


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When my baby was born, if the parents were not married the father's name could only be placed on the birth certificate if the father came to the hospital and signed the form. If he did not show up and sign the paperwork, his name would automatically be excluded from the birth certificate.


no not at all. think about the hundreds of people who don't have a clue who there father is. i have a Friend who spent a year of her life looking for her father she searched her mothers last name and got nothing she got her birth certificate and it only had her mother's name on. my Friend had the same problem you do and it comes to find out it has to have the mothers name on it. she will be there when the child is born. and sometimes the mother has no idea who the father is and he wasn't there when the child was born so how could they put it on there? i saw on tv there was a woman she got pregnant and her husband abused her she knew his full name but putting it on the birth certificate would cause mental problems when she looked at it so she didn't put it on there. rather you have mental problems or not you have a choice.


In the UK there is no legal obligation to have the father's name on the birth certificate. When my son was born it was my choice whether it went on the BC but these days the father must be present when the birth is registered for his name to go on it. If he isn't then it doesn't go on the BC.


Im in Canada and where I am, if the father's name is on the birth certificate then he must also sign it. This has to be done before the mom and baby can leave the hospital. So I know alot of women who know the father but he isn't of the birth certificate for that reason. My daughter's father isn't on hers (though he is my ex-fiance, and we had been together for 4 yrs, Im well aware of who he is, and how to locate him). He wouldn't come to the hospital, and I was afraid her and I would be there forever waiting for him to come sign the papers.


When I surrendered back in 1964 (Baby Scoop Era)...and prior..the father's name was NOT included on the OBC...not because I and other mothers didn't want the name on the OBC or didn't know who the father was simply was not allowed by the Powers-that-were, if the mother was not married to the father. I was born in 1946 to my unmarried mom. I have my original BC, and in the column for 'Father' it reads 'unknown'. I know the same will be said on my daughter's OBC as well...even though we do not have copies of. Though her 'Heritage Profile' from the adoption agency does list her 'father' and paternal grandparents...just no names.

I believe today a 'recognition of paternity' or 'declaration of' has to be filled out by the father, in order to have his name on the OBC..when he is not married to the mother. Also depends on the laws of the state the child is born in.

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