does anyone no a way around emission test?? i have a 1991 mustang that wont pass?? please help!!!!!!!?

i have a 1991 mustang lx 50 that wont pass emissions, is there anyway to get around that or something?? anything please help!! willl pay!!!!!! thanks a lot


is there an places in ve that u dont have to have emission?? agine thinks alot


Favorite Answer

I had a similar problem with one of my cars. It has quite a few problems and this is how I fixed it.

Depending on where you live, look around for local auto shops and the like (if the emission test is not being done at a government place, if it is go to a local one). Being local helps much more than if it is a government owned or major company owned. If there are no local auto workshops in your area this might not work. BUT!

Get to know the owner of the local shop really well. Use his/her car services alot like basic maintainence and all that. Once you get to know them more and more should become more friendly. Simply ask him/her if they will pass the emission test - like, friend to friend sort of thing, you know? They will probably pass it.

In my car I had broken indicators, broken brake lights and one broken head light, leaking exhaust and a few other minor problems and so I asked my local guy if he could pass my rego just this once and I'd get it fixed asap. (Its still got all the problems but he keeps passing it). All because I got to know him really well. Hope this works for you.

Hope I could help!!


depends on why it is failing

if the emission control devices have been tampered with, no!

if the cat converter is present but not working, there are things you can buy to add to the gas that may reactivate it

you give no clues as to why it failed, good luck!

Diesel me up2009-07-13T01:36:19Z

clear the computer codes, drive around for about 3 hours fill up with expensive gas and take it to test again


Try disconnecting the battery before you go. The warning lights take time to reset themselves after the battery is reconnected. Your inspector may not detect this.

ken k2009-07-11T05:44:45Z

why not get car fixed??sometimes its simple needs egr valve etc;better than trying to make an end run

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