Kissed by a Rose...Anyone Love it?

Please tell me I'm no the only one who still loves this song! Every time I hear it, it gives me goosebumps. It'a just an all around awesome song


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That song is awesome!!!!!!!!
I seriously loveeee it!!!!!
how can you not?????

Fiend Jester Chaos2009-07-11T23:28:06Z

I like the song just because of the nostalgia it brings to me.
I have enjoyed the song when I was a little kid, since the first time i heard it in some Batman movie.


I listen to this song every night! That is if we are talking bout 'kiss from a rose' by seal? I always imagine perfoming it infront of a huge crowd haha fantasies :)


No you are not the only one!
I like the song to.


Yes, Seal has an incredibly beautiful voice and that is one of my all time favorite songs!

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