A question for my Catholic Brothers and Sisters?

I was talking to my Priest today and mention R&S, I told him many people here have criticized the Church and many not so nice names

He wanted to know what has been said and I could not name a lot of them, can you please tell me what we have been called besides worshiping Mary and the Pope before God, (he laughed at that one) can you give me more examples so I can tell him?


Because he wants to know,


I told him about Chris and I have gave him the link, but being a Priest in charge of a big area he does not have time so asked me to find out, he is fascinated in what people say

Believer, wife, mother & nana!2009-07-12T02:42:26Z

Favorite Answer

Well Sue, when they say that our leader here on earth (the Pope) is satan. That we are not Christians, of course if we are not Christian's then where did they come from? That Mary is a nothing, even though She is Queen of the heavens and earth, of all of us, what ever faith we might be, whether they like it or not. That the Saints cannot do anything for us and we worship them, even though we do not worship them and only ask for favors, for their help in asking Jesus to hear our petitions. Our great friends in heaven. That we worship idols, such as statues and pictures of the Jesus, Mary and the saints. Even though we don't worship these people, they are only a reminder of the loved ones. who have come before us and are no longer with us. And when we look at their pictures we are only reminded of how we loved them and miss not seeing them around anymore, or hearing their voices. or miss their wisdom, or even their smile or touch.
There are many priests on here answering, some we know like Fr. Joseph and some we don't know. Also seminarians and a few sisters and nuns. For those who want to remain anonymous, that's fine, for they are defending their faith every time they answer. For those who make themselves available I am sure Jesus is proud that they take a stand and are proud of them for being brave enough to defend our faith out in the open.
What the other christian's fail to see is that Jesus Himself gave us His body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the form of bread and wine. His True Presence. He is in our churches and we receive Him every Mass.
They cannot do this, for we have Ordained Priests that can make this happen given to us by Jesus to the Apostles handed down from age to age, (even the angels in heaven cannot bring us Jesus, only an ordained priest) they do not and cannot, for they lack this power. God bless you.

Irish girl2009-07-12T10:03:22Z

It's great that you did this. I'm not so sure if it is actual names that we are called, more so concepts and ideas. For example, Priests are called pedophiles, we worship Mary and the Pope, we are not Christians, we're cannibals, we pray to saints, cultists, satanists, and of course, the whore of Babylon.

These rude, arrogant and childish remarks will get them no where- so I fail to see the point for why people call us these names. Even after answer after answer stating that we do not worship Mary, they still go on stating that we do, like they have some divine reason to believe that. They are just misinformed- and it is with the help of us Catholics to set these questions straight. Ever notice when a Protestant asks a question about the Catholic church, many Catholics answer thorough and detailed answers, the right answer- but the Protestant still picks another Protestant answer as the best answer? I think it is basic insecurities. We all know that none of these names or claims are true, and I believe that seeking the right answers from fellow Catholics here in R&S will only make us stronger. Protestants are missing so much- they are not only missing the actual Body and Blood of Christ, they are missing so much more, God's true presence. Ignore the attacks, because it is just blatant lies.


Firstly you are right up to a point about the interpretation. If you look at what was going on further afield around the time of Jesus and there after the answer may be clearer. It wasn`t just the romans who had trouble with the celtic people but those from the churches who were spreading the "news". Firstly we have to note the the Celts view on spirituality was much akin to paganism (who says this was wrong?) and similar to the Gnostic understandings. The celts for example, believed very much in the spirit who was, not only within but may even live in the same space but slightly different time as us. They would have indeed been comfortable with the view that Jesus had siblings but, the church would`ve had a harder time trying to convert than it actually did. If you look at the Catholic calender you will see that most of our festival/ saints days are on or about the old pagan ones. This was the only way to convince our Celtic fore fathers that the new message of Christ was indeed better or more nearer the truth than the ancient ways. Something that many are now maybe questioning. For me this doesn`t mean that my religion is wrong it just means I look on the interpretation differently now I am older. I find the rituals and ceremonies helpful and moving. This doesn`t mean I believe all other faiths to be wrong either.


Actually a lot of Priest and Monks and Nuns have not heard all this before. I recall a Priest on Ewtn when a caller asked him about Seventh Day Adventist Claiming the Church is the Whore of Babylon and the Pope was the beast and he was totally surprised by the accusations. He actually sort of was lost for words for a moment and finally told the caller that they had asked him to teach there ministers on marriage counseling and was treated with utmost respect by them and only believed it was there more radical ones who taught that.So people do not assume they've all heard it before. And i'll not add anything new to the list you have already gotten..

St. Bernadette (formerly Catholic Teen)2009-07-12T06:16:37Z

Well Sue I'll add on to what has been said, which there is a lot so I'll name a few.
Catholics have been called canibals, satanists, cultists (got that one in a email), that we don't believe in God, that we changed the Bible to our benifit, that we are going to Hell. The same lady who called me a cultist also called the Church the stupid ROMAN Catholic Church, and she always emphisised on Roman for some reason. People say the Pope is the antichrist, Mary can't help us, we can't believe in Tradition, works don't save us, our priests are phedophiles, we love to kill, the list goes on and on. Hope this helped.

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