1) What Phillips driver bit do you experts use to work on Japanese Motorcycles?
2) I have heard of stuffing springs and rubber hose inside HD handlebars to cure vibration problems?
Feel free to add to the list so others can see the OBVIOUS STUPIDITY of this clown. B.A.R.T just asks questions to shart crap. B.A.R.T doesn't care about the answers.
Favorite Answer
Don't forget the "What would you do if a big ugly HD biker flipped you off..." or "What if I went onto a bar full of HD bikers and .....".
In his defense, there have been a few times when he answered a question with a very sensible and knowledgeable reply. Usually this has been electrically related, so I do believe Bart has a fairly good working knowledge of electricity. Several times I'm complimented him on it, hoping he'd get the point and cut back on the dumb stuff but it has yet to do any good.
By the way, I've driven 5/8" steel rods into the handlebar ends of a KZ 1000 to reduce handlebar vibration. It did clear up the reflection in the mirrors, so Bart isn't that far off whether he was trying or not.
If you like it or not you will be judged by other bikers by the brand of motorcycle helmet you wear, you will be much more respected wearing a high quality name brand helmet.
Not so much. I have never been given any crap about driving a Honda older than my sons, and have not EVER heard anyone say anything about my helmet. Are you kidding? Nobody gives a sh!t about that.
4)if i had a penis,would that make me a man? would i be able to ride a harley (or any other bike) after the operation ? you guys have a great time with this one,i'm going back to prison on thursday for two years,at least i wont have to put up with the little twats postings for a while. y'all take care ,its been a slice. tim