Jehovah's Witnesses only: Question regarding Satan's attacks?

Let me first say that this question is personal. If you don't want to answer its fine.

My question is: Often when one starts to make changes Satan starts attacking more aggressively. My friend last year on the night before his baptism was harassed by demons all night long. His father (elder) had to spend the night with him. My friend was into drugs so we believe demons attacked him because of his close relationship with demons through the drugs. I don't feel comfortable sharing that but you guys don't know him anyways. And he is cool too. He was baptized anyways!

I can see the route that Satan is already using with me. He is using women and now that I live alone its all too easy to bring a woman into my place. But I continue to pray regarding this. But I will admit and I never admit to being scared. I am Scared of what will happen to me along the way. Almost immediately he sent 2 woman. One is my co worker and she asked me when will I take her out. And the other works at the gym. She continues to engage me in small talk and her eyes say a thousand words. I am not stupid I can read women.

I would like to know how did you handle your personal attacks when you were making changes.


thanks so far, and Les I refuse to live with another man. Yuck!

Crocodile Dundee2009-07-15T13:39:55Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, Satan absolutely does not want you serving Jehovah. And he will try his sneaky tactics. I am proud of you for picking up on that. But beware because sometimes his tactics aren't as obvious and you could find yourself easily snared if you don't keep an eye out.

One good example is RIGHT HERE on the internet. Just because someone is a witness or associated with the witnesses does not automatically make them good association. If you start a back and forth relationship with someone on here, it could lead to you revealing personal issues (which is not a bad thing) but then the other person could do the same and before you know it you have this intimate personal relationship with someone and you may feel too comfortable with that person and then it could lead to other things if you aren't careful.

That is why I always try to make sure I let people know that I am married (i.e. not interested)! You can let your coworkers know that you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses and MOST of them know what that means. For those that don't, tell them FLAT OUT that you don't date women not a JW and tell them thank you but you're not interested. But you also have to let your actions show you are serious too. Don't spend time around them that is not necessary. I know you have to work together but if you are on your lunch break and your coworkers want to go out to eat, don't do it. The same goes for men. Men could be a bad influence on you at work too. Not in the same way a woman could but you know what I mean. Also, during work try to keep personal conversations to a minimum. And if you are a chatty person like me, talk about your beliefs. You don't have to shove it in their faces but never let your conversations become unwholesome and if you see a conversation headed that way, leave if you can or let them know that you don't like to talk about that kind of stuff anymore.

Sometimes at work, I won't have a choice but to be caught in the middle of an inappropriate conversation but I just ignore it and sing Kingdom Melodies in my head. And I don't smile or laugh at anything crude that may be said. Because that is as good as condoning it.

Anyway, Reo, just keep praying. I wish I had learned early on how STRONG the power of prayer is. That is our PERSONAL LINK to Jehovah. I think of it like a cell phone. I can call Jehovah ANY time of the day or night. And I know that if I am doing right Jehovah will hear me. Sometimes I really feel unworthy and I find it hard to believe that Jehovah would be listening to a little peon like me but I know he is and I have to CONSTANTLY remind myself of that.

Leslie H2009-07-15T10:27:54Z

I will tell you that you are right. You know that Satan knows your weakness, and he will use it against you. Being aware of it is a big part of the battle. For you, the physical closeness is the weakness, for me, it was the emotional closeness. Before I met my husband, I was single for nine years, after a divorce. I was lllooonely....lemme tell you. I saw the same thing-Satan would throw completely nice, handsome, wealthy, UNacceptable from a spiritual standpoint, men at me. I finally took a job at night, doing accounting, where I would come into contact with very few human beings, male or female. I kept up my meetings, and with a night job, that was tough. I even had a sister from my hall personally attack my character, which had to be handled judicially. (I was not her only victim, but Jehovah handled it for me!). Satan knew I longed for a husband. Jehovah knew, too, because I made it a matter of constant prayer. Finally, a man began coming to our hall, totally NOT my 'type', and he was perfect. Jehovah knew better than I did.
Reo, He'll give you happiness. I don't know if you are scripturally free or not, so I can't say you'll 'get the girl'. But however Jehovah sees fit to use you, you will be happy if you DECIDE to be. Be content with NOW, and let THEN take care of itself. Just stay strong, and determined. Let Jehovah know what is in your heart. Pray all the time. It's hard to think of commiting fornication when you are praying! Don't underestimate the power of good association. Keep close to the congregation, and your temptation will be much easier. Maybe you will find a single brother who can room with you? Companionship and good association. Just a thought.
Agape, little brother-Leslie


I still get the attacks. I pray a lot and have a few brothers who are my accountability partners. When I am going through one of these attacks I let them know and they also pray for me and encourage me with Scripture and appropriate words. I also do the same for them.

Perhaps there are a few men at the Hall whom you can talk to about maybe doing something like this? If nothing else, you can always contact me and I will pray.

Thank you for being so open and honest.


I am a Christian. Ask God to change your desires and to keep you from temptation. Ask Him for this everyday. Several times per day. Remember that Jesus understands what temptation feels like. He went through it himself. We all know the Lord's Prayer. When questioned how we should pray Jesus made a point of telling us that we should ask not to be led into temptation. Jesus also told Peter right before He was betrayed "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." (Matt 26:41)

I will also say a prayer for you. Good luck. :-)


Say Jehovah's name out loud. This does work,I know from my on
experience.My husband also wanted to divorce me. Burn everything
that has to do with Jehovah. Well I got through that thanks to Jehovah.
I still have moments with my husband. He doesn't see Satan is using
him badly. Keep praying and stay STRONG. That's one thing Satan
doesn't want for us to do, be Strong.

Take Care

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