Do you ever just look at someone and assume that they're a....?
Sluttttttttttt! I know this is random.
Sluttttttttttt! I know this is random.
Favorite Answer
Yes, they bring it upon themselves. The way the dress, the way they look at you, the way they talk. I know i shouldn't judge people, but you have to use discernment sometimes.
sure. No i'm no longer drop lifeless eye-catching. yet people say the way my facial features is and how I walk. it somewhat is stressful because of the fact i'm something yet boastful. yet I purely walk actual face and now and back as quickly as I get shy i do no longer consult with people assume i do no longer want to communicate to them. i'm purely no longer that sturdy at socializing.
I Think Everyone Does.
Yes.and whenever I assume, I find out that I'm right!
yes, generally based on actions, dress and personality together. Clothes alone are not enough information.