I applied to a temp agency a couple of months ago, and they want me to come in today and talk to them about a possible job opportunity where I would be working in their office. I have no fashion sense, and I need some advice on what to wear.
I have matched a light blue dress shirt with a pale yellow tie that has some dark blue in it. The shirt and tie look great together. What color pants would look good with that shirt/tie combination?
Thanks, everybody. Great suggestions so far.
LOL @ "Who needs Pants?"
Favorite Answer
I would probably go with khaki or navy or even a chocolate brown pant :) light blues and chocolate brown always look fabulous together :)
Go conservative and business-like, such as dark blue. You don't really want to wear anything that would stand out too much for a first impression.
Look on these websites for more insight into what to wear or not wear for an interview: http://www.google.com/search?q=interview+clothes+for+men&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS329US329