My Son is in the Army & he just found out his base is going to be in South Korea!!!?

My son is in the Army & is finishing up his school in Georgia(AIT). He just found out his orders are taking him to South Korea for 2yrs.

Does anyone know anything about South Korea? How are the Army bases there? Anything he can start doing now to get himself prepared? Are the people decent?

Anything on South Korea would be appreciative!!! Thank You


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I was there in 2nd Infantry Division ages ago.

I enjoyed my time in Korea. They are good people and have a rich culture. Korean food has some odd items in it, but mostly it is very tasty, and spicy. He'll most likely love Bulgogi.

He should be getting prepared by learning a little Korean (Hangul). Rosetta Stone courses are available free to Army personnel, and people appreciate it when you make an effort to understand them. He also needs to get used to always walking up and down hills. It is rugged terrain.

I would go back in a heartbeat.

Congrats to your son on passing basic and AIT, tell him to get everything he can out of his time in the Army, There are more opportunities than he can take advantage of.


Everyone I know that has been there has either loved it or hated it. If he is single, he is more likely to love it. If he likes to drink, then he will love it when Football, er'hem, Soccer is in season.

I've never heard of anyone getting orders for 2 years in South Korea, though. I can imagine if they are cutting orders for that long now, they are planning on doing something with North Korea.

A lot of guys I've talked to have also said Japan is really awesome fantastic. Since he's nearby, he may want to venture out that way. Generally, as long as he stays away from military bases, he won't have too many issues with civilians.

Otherwise, hope he enjoys being in the most connected Country in the world!


The food's great, they're be loads of other GIs there with him, he'll be fine.

I've not been stationed in Korea, but it's very common, I've met lots of other people who spent time there. There are more restrictions, curfews, and recalls than people who are stationed Stateside get. But there's lots to do and see, and it's a good learning experience to be exposed to a different culture like that on your off time.

Tell him to do the Korean modules on Rosetta Stone online at Army Knowledge Online (AKO.) It's a tricky language, but he should learn enough to greet someone, say yes, no, and thank you, the numbers, how to order food and how to ask the location of a restroom. He'll have a much better time if he does.

Sincerely Yours2009-07-18T15:45:43Z

Ok first off, I think S. Korea is only a 1 year duty station so your son would have volunteered for the other year ( I could be mistaken though)

Second, Newdaddy, you're wrong. The Americans aren't appreciated by all S. Koreans. Just look up S. Korea Protests outside of U.S. Base. I think this is more of an issue around Camp Humphrey's though.


South Korea is not much different than the United States, except that it doesn't have the extreme poverty or violence that you find in some parts of the US. Everyone has the latest technology and most people drive new cars. You can find MacDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut everywhere.

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