do you Ever wonder?????

We always have people tell us that our little girl is so cute and adorable. But both my husband and I wonder if they really mean it. We think she is adorable because she is ours and perfect in every way. But we wonder if people really mean it or just say it because that is what you say when you see a baby. I do not care what others think but it is something we have thought about because everyone always goes on and on about how cute she is.


I do not say anything either. I will say wow he looks like his dad or something a long those lines.


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this question makes me laugh because I think the same way.

And its funny because I have a friend from high school who had a baby a couple weeks before me, and the natural response is to say "oh your baby is soooooooo cute" but with her baby I couldn't honestly say it because he looks just like his dad who we also went to high school with and is a fugly fugly man....

So I just said "Oh, he looks just like Terry" instead of saying he was cute.

oh well. I think my baby is cute, and I tend to trust other people when they say it because he really is a cute baby (and he's really smiley which people just eat right up), but even if they lied my opinion is the only one that matters.


I agree that all babies are cute in their own way. I also think my baby girl is the cutest thing that ever lived :). But I know what you mean. When I had my baby I would joke to my friends and say if you don't think my baby is cute just pretend you do and don't let on!! But everyone says how beautiful she is and I believe them, because I agree!


You never really know what people are really thinking... I only say I think a baby is cute, adorable or whatever if I actually think so. If I don't think so, I don't say so... but that's just me.

Danielle B2009-07-20T02:43:19Z

No, I don't put any thought in to it. I know my daughter is adorable. You know that your is too. All babies are cute in some way or another, so I'm sure the majority of people who say it to you mean it. If they don't, who cares? They're probably no prize themself.


Kind of, in a way. I know my daughter is cute, but I wonder how cute. LIke she is the absolutely cutest baby out there, to me, but I wonder how close this is to the reality of other people. I try to be objective, but it just doesn't work, lol!

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