I've got 6 wks to plan a surprise B-day party, any idea for shockers, gifts that you have gotten or given that have been just hilarious? Of course I'm gonna put up a HUGE sheet with Lordy Lordy Looks who's 40!!! But his name in stead of who's...and the blk balloons. This is gonna be great! Thanks in advance for any and all ideas.
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Party City has pretty good stuff: http://www.partycity.com/cgi-bin/parties/show.cgi?thepartytype=1008&parties=Party%20Continues%2040
ok i live in southern louisiana and know all about mardi gras!! there's much more to it than just flashing and boobs! Mardi gras official colors are purple green and gold, so you must have lots of that. Also must have lots of beads! If you can find the masks get those too! Cajun music, like the mardi gras mambo, and a king cake or two. If you plan on serving food, the best thing would be a gumbo. Either chicken and sausage or seafood, whatever you prefer. You could also do a big jambalaya if you dont want gumbo. And for drinks, you have got to serve hurricaines!!! Check out the link below forsome recipies for Mardi Gras food and drinks. There is usually a mardi gras king and queen...you can your husband could get dressed up fancy and act as king and queen! I also posted a link for where to find other mardi gras goodies! Yall have fun!!!