Help me with my skin.?

I have dry skin but it get's very oily.
I wash my face every morning with Apricot scrub.
Then throughout the day i rinse my face with water when it gets oily.
I use ivory soap on my face when i shower.
I sometimes put Johnson's 24 hour body lotion on my face.
I have pimples and whiteheads on my forehead.
Help me? Easy natural home remedies are the best.


Favorite Answer

Place the chamomile tea bag in warm water for 30 seconds,then rub over face for five minutes. Next, make a mixer of 50% pure honey and 50% almond oil,but first heat honey in microwave for 30 seconds before mixing. Let cool ,then apply over face,before you go to sleep. Leave on face for 20 minutes,then wash off with warm water. Also use raw egg whites,and leave on for 5 minutes,wash with warm water.


Try one of the acne kits that have a cleanser, toner and repair lotion all together. You can get them at Wal-Mart, Target, or just about any drugstore.

By the way, putting water on your face when it's oily will not help in any way. Drinking water, however, is always good for keeping skin clear and hydrated.

I don't recommend putting any kind of lotion on your face unless it's specifically for oily facial skin, and states on the bottle that it's non-comedogenic (won't cause breakouts).

And if you want to use natural or organic products, you can check out your local health food store. They usually have lots of products that help with acne.

Two natural products that I've tried is (1) Thayer's Witch Hazel Toner (I like the rose scented one) which you use after washing morning and night, and (2) straight hydrogen peroxide, also as a toner. My skin does better on the hydrogen peroxide than the witch hazel. It's simply an antibacterial agent. It doesn't dry out your skin, just cleans up any leftover residue from washing and any bacteria (which is what causes acne in the first place!) that may still be on your face.

Hope this helps! Good luck!


I think that you are putting the wrong products on your face. The 24hour body lotion is too heavy for your face. You also need to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water and not alot of junk food and soda. Your doctor can help determine your skin problems.

leslie s2009-07-21T18:07:27Z

first things first - stick with one brand at a time. Trust me it is much better.
You mentioned rinsing with water - do you moisturize with oil free products? if not, it's time to try.
I recommend clean & clear/ clinique for acne solutions and avon's version of proactiv.
Good luck!