If a being is created with perfect character and can't do wrong is that character? Wouldn't a creator have to take time to let beings develop character? Is that why He says He will forgive wrongdoing but will NOT stop the consequences of that wrongdoing? Could it be taught differently? Why did David say he meditated on the law? What was he realizing? Please atheists. This is really a logical question about how a God HAS to make character. If you have nothing to contribute logically please don't leave rude remarks!
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No one is created with perfect character. We are created with the instinct to look out for our own survival, from the time we are babies using crying as a means of saying we are hungry or getting diapers changed. Growing up is a succession of having pride knocked down a few notches until we realize that we are not the center of the universe.
I am not a philosopher, but here are some qualities that are a part of character: Trustworthiness -- learning to do what you say you will do. Responsibility -- accepting the consequences of all your decisions and learning from them. Compassion -- put yourself in the other person's shoes, if things are going well for you, share some good fortune with the next person Citizenship -- be a good steward of the resources around you and make your corner of the world better
Without free will there is no character. Character is learned from making mistakes or facing adversity and learning to make better decisions. Two of the biggest examples of wrongdoers in the Bible were Moses and David, both murderers who angered God multiple times. Yet they were close to God because they repented and they kept their relationship with God daily. They are the examples of learning from your mistakes, accepting the consequences and daily striving to be better through prayer and study.
I'm not a dedicated Bible reader so perhaps you'll get better answers than what's here which is mainly my perspective.
If I may, I'd like to describe it differently than what you write because I feel you are too absorbed in duality, the right versus wrong. You can see the same ideas set forth by the "Tree of Life" versus the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." We are told to cling to the Tree of Life for that is our spiritual consciousness. It is the intellect which functions only in part and is incapable of knowing the whole of God (Eternity and Infinity), thus living in separation, in the relative world of cause and effect, in dualities of right and wrong, not realizing that God created all things and saw they were good.
God is not a separate being handing out judgments of our conduct. The truth is we judge ourselves by our way of living here and now -- what you sow, so shall you reap.
I'm not sure what you mean by "David say he meditated on the law" but I daresay he dwelled on life's lessons and what we should do to live a more spiritual life in this world.
"You are inexperienced with intelligent discussion. You are supposed to present things YOU have researched to either make a point or ask for thoughts. Many people here spend a lot of time in research. I, for one, will not do your brain work for you. If you don't like thinking you should maybe spend time in the entertainment forum."
when David saw a woman and decided to rape her, He suffered because of that but later had a baby who was blessed and became powerful
how would we learn how to stop doing wrong if we dont get punishment from it. we have to suffer from our consequences to learn from them so that we'll do things right next time
when someone rapes or kills someone, then apologises for it, will it be fair to let him go without punishment? dont you think he'll do it again knowing that he can just ask for forgiveness again?